Find all live arrivals on all routes at a London Transit bus stop.
Find arrival times for all London Transit (LTC) Buses (in London, Ontario, Canada) at a particular stop. No need to select route and direction first.
Note: with students returning the LTC WebWatch service is very slow, particularly in the late afternoon. This app depends on WebWatch, please report a problem only if WebWatch is also down. Also, please install the app (and download bus data) at some time other than late afternoon.
Automatically remembers your favourite stops, or shows nearby stops using GPS.
Несмотря на то, что он использует данные с Лондонской транзитной комиссии, он не связан с LTC, поэтому, пожалуйста, не сообщайте о проблемах LTC. See "About" menu in the app for how to report problems.
If you can't get arrivals or download routes it's probably because WebWatch is down. If the URL http://www.ltconline.ca/WebWatch/ is down or doesn't work, that's the problem, wait a bit and try again. If it's up, report a bug.
LTC Buses is open-source, free-to-use and shows no ads. See the website for more details.
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На нашем сайте вы можете легко скачать последнюю версию London Transit (LTC) Buses! Регистрация или СМС не требуются!